Learning Plan
Professional Learning Plan (PLP) is personal goal setting to achieve
professional competency.
Sample Professional
Learning Plan (PLP) Template
sample Professional Learning Plan (PLP) Template is for organizing your
thoughts. It will guide your planning and consultations. Your PLP should
include the Student Teaching Competencies that the PLP will address.
Part 1 Selecting a
Standard, Indicator(s) and Possible Goals:
Guiding Questions
engaging in the process of self-assessment the following guiding questions are
recommended to help focus your self-reflection.
· How do my knowledge, skills, dispositions, and
performances measure up against the Student Teaching Competencies? What skills
would I like to learn or improve?
· What sources are available to me that provide further
insights related to my knowledge, skills, dispositions, and performances, and
priority areas to focus my professional development?
· Is
there something that my supervising teacher/mentor is able to do that I would
like to master?
· Are
you able to address the needs of all of the children and families in your
· Are
there curriculum areas that are not well represented in my teaching in my
· Are
there specific student teaching competencies that I would like to work on?
· What
do I see myself doing in five years?
· What
articles or professional publications have I read that really interests me
Based on a self-assessment using the Student
Teaching Competency Observation Form and other sources the following indicators
within the following standard(s) and possible goals have been selected:
Standard 1: Content Knowledge
Indicator 1.2- Activates learners’ prior knowledge,
experience, and interests and uses this information to plan content and to help
individual students attain learning goals.
Standard 2: Teaching and
Indicator 2.2- Creates a positive
climate that promotes respect and responsibility.
Based on my supervisor’s first evaluation, I
am choosing these two standards and indicators to base my goals on and improve
my teaching abilities overall. I will attach my first and final evaluations
(from my supervisor) as evidence for how I determined my goals and also as
supporting evidence on reaching my identified goals.
Part 2 Specific Goal and
Intended Outcomes
specific goal for my PLP and intended outcomes are:
My first goal is to activate children’s
prior knowledge to launch lessons I teach. This initial engagement will help
guide instruction and bring students in quickly. According to, this initial “spark” of children’s interest occurs in the
“first five minutes of the lesson.” It is critical to help benefit classroom
management if you keep the “sparks flying” and are able to readily “spark up
the classroom” right away.
second goal is to promote a positive classroom climate/reward system to
communicate to parents on a regular basis. I want to enhance the ways students
progress-monitor their own behaviors.
Part 3 My Plan
Guiding Questions
For the
purpose of developing your preliminary PLP draft the following guiding
questions are provided to assist you in the planning process.
What am I going to
do to achieve my goals?
What are the
initial steps to begin my plan?
What short-term (1
semester or less) and long-term (1-3 years) activities should I plan to achieve
each of my goals?
How will I make
the time to do what I plan?
What evidence will
I collect to demonstrate fulfillment of my plan and achievement of my
professional development goals?
How will I
organize my evidence?
What are my
timelines for professional development activities and outcomes?
A. Activities
will engage in the following activities for the stated purposes:
Goal #1 and Standard/Indicator 1.2:
Goal #2 and Standard/Indicator 2.2:
- Workshop in Education Class at
UAB- Fall 2014 Semester (taught by Mrs. Summerlin); to gain addiitonal
professional development and information specifically on positive
classroom behavior systems, ELL strategies and differentiation, and to
learn whatever Mrs. Summerlin was teaching (because I knew it would be
- Use Class DoJo to enhance
management through a more positive classroom reward system approach. This
tool also allows students and parents the opportunity to progress-monitor.
It does also have the option to give negative points, and at times I will,
but at this age when I give points for students behaving appropriately,
the other students quickly begin to reflect the actions of peers earning
- I will observe my co-operating
teacher launch lessons to activate prior knowledge and initiate engagement
quickly. I will also browse the Internet to research information and
gather ideas about launching lessons to activate children’s interests
within the first five minutes.
B. Documentation
will document my progress in enhancing my skills and knowledge, dispositions
and performance with the following artifacts and/or outcomes:
Both Standards-Indicators/Goals:
-I will include my first and final
evaluations by my supervising teacher for student teaching to document the
areas needing improvements and also how improvements were made by final
Goal #2/Standard 2- Indicator 2.1
-I will attach notes from the Workshop
in Education class Mrs. Summerlin taught that I attended this semester (notes
will include multiple class meetings/dates).
-I will include a picture of our
ClassDoJo board online portal. We have a board where students are labeled in
the 20-point, 40-point, 60-point, 80-point, or 100-point DoJo clubs in our
class. We do not have any students in the 80-point DoJo club yet, and it will
be starting over after Christmas. Students earn tickets to do special things in
the classroom as they move up to the next DoJo point club.
-I will browse the internet and gather
research to include a list of articles/websites/resources on positive classroom
climates and ways to promote respectful and responsible students.
C. Resources
following resources may be necessary for the full implementation of my PLP:
7 Ways to Start a Great Lesson
– Levels of Competency in Meeting Standards (refer to Rubric Guide for
detailed explanation of levels for each indicator)
= Unobserved – Insufficient evidence
provided to make a judgment
= Unacceptable – Performance is not
= Basic – Candidate demonstrates basic
knowledge of related subject matter content
= Advanced – Candidate demonstrates
ability related to applying relevant knowledge
= Proficient – Candidate has assessed
effectiveness by putting knowledge into
action (Target Level by completion of internship)
= Exemplary – Evidence confirms
that Candidate is effective in
meeting the standard for all
Standard 1: Content Knowledge
Demonstrates knowledge of subject-matter
content and an ability to organize related facts, concepts, and skills.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of the core
concepts, facts, procedures, and skills comprising specific curricular areas
related to teaching assignment
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
organize related concepts, facts, and skills for meaningful learning
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in anchoring subject matter in meaningful experiences
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in organizing subject-matter content to improve the learning of all students
Activates learners’ prior knowledge,
experience, and interests and uses this information to plan content and to
help individual students attain learning goals.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of how to
connect new content to learners’ interests and life experiences
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
use students’ prior knowledge to inform the planning and delivery of
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in using students’ prior learning to help individuals attain learning goals
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in using students’ prior learning to improve the learning of all students
Connects curriculum to other content
areas and real-life settings to promote retention and relevance.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of the
importance of making the curriculum relevant to learners
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates the ability
to utilize opportunities to identify real-life connections across the
3 = And Candidate
has assessed effectiveness in
promoting retention and relevance
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in promoting retention and relevance for
all students
Designs instructional activities based
on state content standards.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of state
content standards
2 = And
Candidate plans instructional activities that align with Alabama’s Course of
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
of instructional plan consistent with state content standards
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in designing standards-based instructional activities that improve the
learning of all students
Provides instructional accommodations,
modifications, and adaptations to meet the needs of each individual learner.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of various
instructional accommodations, modifications, and adaptations
2 = And
Candidate addresses identified learner needs in designing plans using
available resources and materials
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in designing instructional plans to meet the needs of individual learners
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in accommodating instruction to meet the individual learning needs of all
Standard 2: Teaching and Learning
Designs a classroom organization and
management system built upon sound, age-appropriate expectations and
research-based strategies for promoting positive behavior.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of
age-appropriate expectations and research-based strategies
2 = And
Candidate helps establish rules and
procedures and implements some organization and management strategies
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
of classroom organization and management strategies in response to individual
learner needs
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in organizing and managing classroom environments that promote the positive
behavior of all students.
Creates a positive climate that promotes
respect and responsibility.
1 = Candidate
can identify factors that create a positive classroom culture
2 = And
Candidate acknowledges student displays of responsibility and respect
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in establishing rapport with individual learners
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in creating a positive climate that promotes respect and responsibility among
all students
Creates a safe, orderly, and stimulating
learning environment that nurtures responsibility, motivations, and engagement
of learners.
1 = Candidate
can identify motivational techniques and recognizes unsafe conditions
2 = And
Candidate implements routines and procedures within the classroom in response
to unsafe conditions
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in creating an environment that nurtures responsibility, motivation, and
engagement of learners
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in creating learning environments that motivate, engage, and nurture all students to be responsible
Develops challenging, standards-based
academic goals for each learner, using knowledge of cognitive, social, and
emotional development.
1 = Candidate
can identify cognitive, social, and emotional needs of learners
2 = And
Candidate follows required guidelines in standards-based instruction for
establishing academic learning goals
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in applying knowledge of human development to setting standards-based goals
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in setting developmentally-appropriate standards-based goals that engage all students
Engages learners in developing and
monitoring goals for their own learning and behavior.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of strategies
to engage learners in developing and monitoring goals for their own learning
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
communicate learning and behavior goals and provide feedback on achievement
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in promoting increased responsibility in meeting agreed upon goals for
learning and behavior
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in engaging all learners in
developing and monitoring their own learning and behavioral goals
Designs coherent lessons that integrate
a variety of appropriate and effective instructional strategies.
1 = Candidate
can identify a variety of appropriate and effective instructional strategies
2 = And
Candidate teaches lessons provided in available curriculum and implements
corresponding instructional strategies
3 = And
Candidate has assessed appropriateness
and effectiveness of a coherent lesson that integrates a variety of
instructional strategies
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in integrating a variety of instructional strategies to design coherent
lessons for all students
Creates learning activities that
optimize each individual’s growth and achievement within a supportive
1 = Candidate
can identify available teaching resources, scope and sequence guides, and
emerging digital tools and content
2= And
Candidate creates learning activities and questioning strategies that engage
learners in thinking about and learning the content
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in supporting and encouraging individual learners to achieve
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate can create effective learning activities that optimize that growth and
achievement of all students
Uses formative assessments to provide
specific and timely feedback to assist learners in meeting learning targets
and to adjust instruction.
1 = Candidate
can identify formative assessments of student learning and circumstances for
their appropriate use and learner feedback
2 = And
Candidate administers assessments to monitor progress in relation to content
standards and demonstrates ability to provide timely feedback
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in using formative assessments to provide specific and timely feedback and to
adjust instruction
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in assisting all learners to meet
learning targets by using formative assessments
Uses summative assessments to measure
learner attainment of specific learning targets.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of summative
assessments that measure learner attainment of specific learning targets
2 = And
Candidate administers summative assessments to measure learner attainment of
specific learning targets
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in measuring learner attainment using summative assessments
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in using summative assessments to improve the learning of all students
Maintains evidence and records of
learning performance to communicate progress.
1 = Candidate
can identify a variety of methods for collecting and recording evidence of
student learning
2 = And
Candidate uses available resources and technologies to collect and record
student learning aligned with content standards
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in sharing required assessment feedback with learns and, when applicable,
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in maintaining records and communicating progress in learning performance for all students
Analyzes and uses disaggregated
standardized assessment results to inform planning for individual learners
and classes.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of methods for
disaggregating standardized assessment data and their uses
2 = And
Candidate uses standardized assessment data and uses basic understanding of
individual and class performance for planning
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in use of disaggregated data to inform planning for individual learners and
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in using disaggregated data to inform planning intended to improve learning for all students
Standard 3: Literacy
Demonstrates standard oral and written
communications and integrates appropriate communication strategies.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of effective
oral and written communications, reading, mathematics, and technology
2 = And
Candidate uses standard spoken and written language, active listening skills,
and questioning strategies to communicate clearly with others
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
of communication in facilitating and supporting direct instructions, active
inquiry, collaborations, and positive interactions
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in communicating with learners, families/guardians (when applicable), and
other audiences to improve the learning and achievement of all students
Fosters and responds to effective verbal
and nonverbal communications during instruction.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of effective
verbal and nonverbal communications and appropriate use of assistive
technologies (e.g., voice recognition software, communication board)
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
recognize when learners are confused during instruction and responds with
additional support
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
of verbal and nonverbal communications to improve instruction
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in the use of verbal and nonverbal communications to improve the learning of all students
Uses age-appropriate instructional
strategies to improve learners’ skills in critical literary components.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of
age-appropriate instructional strategies in critical literary components (e.g.,
Alabama Reading Initiative [ARI] strategies)
2 = And
Candidate uses appropriate instructional strategies to support learners in
reading and comprehending curriculum with and across content areas
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in use of age-appropriate instructional strategies to improve learners’
skills in critical literary components
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in improving learning skills in critical literary components for all students
Integrates narrative and expository
reading strategies across the curriculum.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of various
narrative and expository reading strategies across the curriculum (ARI
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
teach literary strategies by following available guidelines in content-area
manuals and texts
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in integrating narrative and expository strategies across the curriculum
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in improving the learning of all
students through integrating narrative and expository strategies across
the curriculum
Solves mathematical problems across
subject areas using a variety of strategies to verify and interpret results
and to draw conclusions.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of various
strategies for solving mathematical problems across subject areas (e.g.,
quantitative literacy strategies like problem solving and estimating results)
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
identify opportunities for mathematical problem solving to further students’
understanding of content across disciplines
3 = And
Candidates has assessed effectiveness
in encouraging learners to approach mathematical problem solving in various
ways and disciplines
4 = And evidence
confirms that Candidate is effective
in improving the mathematical problem-solving abilities of all students
Communicates mathematical concepts,
processes, and symbols within the content.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of mathematical
concepts, processes, and symbols within the content (e.g., interpretation of
data and conclusions)
2 = And
Candidate utilizes available resources to communicate mathematical concepts,
processes, and symbols within the content
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in communicating mathematical concepts, processes, and symbols within the
4 = And evidence confirms that Candidate is effective in communicating
mathematical concepts, processes, and symbols within the content to improve
the learning of all students
Identifies and integrates available
emerging technologies into the teaching of all content areas.
1 = Candidate
can identify a variety of technological resources across all content areas
that support instruction
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
use available site-based/on-line technological resources to support
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in identifying, evaluating, and using technological resources and technical
assistance on-line and on-site to support instruction
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in identifying and integrating available emerging technologies into the
teaching of all content areas to improve the learning of all students
Facilitates learners’ individual and
collaborative use of technology and evaluates their technological
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of available
and emerging technologies that support individual and collaborative learning
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
provide students with available hardware and software to support content
learning, completion of assignments, and/or practice of basic skills
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in facilitating learners’ individual and collaborative use of technology
4 = And evidence
confirms that Candidate is effective
in improving the technological proficiency of all students
Standard 4: Diversity
Develops culturally responsive
curriculum and instruction in response to differences in individual
experiences; cultural, ethnic, gender, and linguistic diversity; and
socioeconomic status.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge and
understanding about how oppression, racism, discrimination, and stereotyping
influence learning outcomes differently for individual learners
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
listen actively to speaker and seeks to understand different perspectives
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in selecting instructional strategies, resources, and technologies with some
consideration for diverse learners
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in developing culturally responsive curriculum and instruction for all learners
Communicates in ways that demonstrate
sensitivity to diversity and that acknowledges and responds to various
cultural, ethnic, and social modes of communication and participation.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of
communication style differences and how their style may clash or facilitate
the learning process with different learners
2 = And Candidate
demonstrates ability to utilize
differentiated and culturally-sensitive communication modes with various
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in varying communication and instruction modes in response to cultural,
ethnic, and social differences among students and their families/guardians
(when applicable)
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in communicating with all students
and their families/guardians (when applicable) in ways that are culturally
responsive to matters of diversity
Demonstrates and applies to own practice
an understanding of how personal and cultural biases can affect teaching and
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge about personal
racial and cultural heritage and how it personally and professionally affects
personal definitions and biases of teaching and learning
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
recognize own assumptions, attitudes, and expectations about others in
cultural context
3 = And
Candidate has assessed own social
impact upon others and effectiveness
in reflecting on possible personal biases and their impact on learning
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in applying an understanding of how personal and cultural biases can affect
teaching and learning in own practice with all learners
Supports learners to accelerate language
acquisition by utilizing their native language and linguistic background.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of various
means to accelerate language acquisition for second language learners
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
explore ways in which students’ native language and linguistic background can
be used during instruction
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in providing supports (when possible) to accelerate learning acquisition
using students’ native language
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in improving the language acquisition of
all students
Guides second-language acquisition and
utilizes English Language Proficiency (ELP) strategies to support learning.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of ELP
strategies and methods for second language instruction
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
use ELP strategies and available program materials for second-language
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in guiding second-language acquisition to support learning
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in improving the second-language acquisition of all affected students
Differentiates between learner
difficulties related to cognitive or skill development and difficulties
related to language learning.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of learner
difficulties related to cognitive development, skill development, and language learning
2 = And Candidate
demonstrates ability to
differentiate between various types of learner difficulties
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in using available materials to (re)teach skills and concepts based on
different learning difficulties
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in differentiating differences in cognitive, skill, or language learning for all students
Understands and recognizes the
characteristics of exceptionality in learning, including the range of
physical and mental disabilities, social and emotional disorders, giftedness,
dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder, in order to assist in appropriate
identification and intervention.
1 = Candidate
demonstrates a basic understanding of laws and policies regarding the full
spectrum of exceptional learners
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
assist (when possible) in identifying students at-risk, gifted students, and
those with disabilities
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in implementing (when possible) IEPs and 504 plans with support from
appropriate staff
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in assisting in the appropriate identification of exceptionality and
intervention to improve the learning of
all students
Facilitates inclusive learning
environments that support and address the needs of learners with learning
differences and disabilities.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of various
differentiated strategies that develop student capacity for independent
learning, collaboration, and whole-class participation
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
vary some instructional activities to provide options for students with
learning differences and disabilities
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in facilitating inclusive learning environments
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in facilitating inclusive learning environments that address the needs of all learners with learning
differences and disabilities
Helps students assess their own learning
styles and build upon identified strengths.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of the research
on learning styles and multiple intelligences
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
use this knowledge to influence students’ academic growth and access to
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in using students’ own learning styles to build upon identified strengths to
improve learning
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in using knowledge of students’ learning styles to improve the learning of all students
Designs learning experiences that engage
all learning styles and multiple intelligences.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of
instructional strategies and resources that can be used to engage all
learning styles and multiple intelligences
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
select instructional strategies and resources that address some of the
learning styles and intelligences represented in the classroom
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in designing learning experiences that engage all learning styles and
multiple intelligences represented in the classroom
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
in designing learning experiences that engage all learning styles and
multiple intelligences to improve the learning of all students
Standard 5: Professionalism
Collaborates with stakeholders to
facilitate students’ learning and well-being.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of various
methods to communicate effectively with family/guardians [(when applicable)]
and colleagues regarding student progress
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
communicate with families/guardians (when applicable) and professional
colleagues to share learning goals and share resources for student growth
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in communicating learning goals to families/guardians (when applicable) and
professional colleagues
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate has effective
communication processes and protocols in place to facilitate the learning of all students
Engages in ongoing professional learning
to move practice forward.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of definitions
and standards for professional development
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
set individual professional learning goals and to develop plans for ongoing
personal professional learning
3 = And
Candidate has created a plan for ongoing professional learning to move
practice forward
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate has been engaged in ongoing professional
learning that has improved practice in improving the learning of all students
Participates as a teacher leader and
professional learning community member to advance school improvement
1 = Candidate
demonstrates understanding of importance of membership in a professional
learning community to advancing improvement
2 = And
Candidate shares resources with colleagues to improve student learning
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
as a team member and collaborator
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate is effective
as a member of a professional learning community
Promotes professional ethics and
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of role and
responsibilities as presented in the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates commitment
to ethical and equitable practices for all students
3 = And
Candidate provides evidence of monitoring own integrity through individual,
peer, and supervisor reflection focused on improving the practice of appropriate
professional behaviors and dispositions
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate consistently adheres to Alabama Educator
Code of Ethics through a continual process of self-reflection
Complies with local, state, and federal
regulations and policies.
1 = Candidate demonstrates knowledge of local,
state, and federal requirements related to students’ and teachers’ rights and
student plans, including IEPs
2 = And
Candidate demonstrates ability to
locate information and identify key contacts to access laws and policies
3 = And
Candidate has assessed effectiveness
in meeting local, state, and federal requirements related to students’ and
teachers’ rights and student plans, including IEPs
4 = And
evidence confirms that Candidate consistently complies with local, state, and
federal requirements related to students’ and teachers’ rights and student
plans, including IEPs while upholding the highest ethical principles of the